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Government bodies, public organizations, and non-profit organizations related to cybersecurity are eligible for members.
New members will need to have approvals from more than a majority of the existing members upon a membership request.
The table shows a list of CAMP members as of 2024. (72 organizations from 52 countries)

CAMP - List of Members
No Country Organization
0 - - Arab ICT Organization(AICTO)
- Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Banda Ancha para el Desarrollo(CEABAD)
- Economic Community of West African States(ECOWAS)
- The Caribbean Community(CARICOM), Implementation Agency for Crime and Security(IMPACS)
1 Algeria - Ministry of Post and Telecommunications(MPT)
2 Argentina - CERT Argentina
3 Azerbaijan - Cyber Security Center / Ministry of Communications and High TechnologiesmembershipURL
4 Bangladesh - BDCERTmembershipURL
- Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and ICT (MPTI)
5 Bhutan - Ministry of information and communications
6 Brazil - ANATEL-National Telecommunications AgencymembershipURL
7 Cambodia - Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications(MPTC)membershipURL
8 Chile - Centro Nacional de Ciberseguridad Policia de Investigaciones de Chile (CENACIB)
9 CostaRica - CSIRT / Ministry of Science, Technology and Telecommunications(MICITT)
10 Cote d'Ivoire - Ministry of Post, Information Technology and Communication
11 Dominican, Republic of - National Cybersecurity Center(CNCS)
12 Ecuador - Asociacion Ecuatoriana de Ciberseguridad(AECI)
13 El Salvador - El Salvador National CERT(SalCERT)
14 Estonia - Estonian Informatics Centre (EIC)
15 Ethiopia - Information Network Security Agency (INSA)membershipURL
16 Fiji - Safer Internet Centre(SIC)
17 Gabon - National Agency of Digital Infrastructure and Frequencies (ANINF)
18 Ghana - National Information Technology Agency (NITA)membershipURL
19 Guatemala - ICT Viceministry of Ministry of Government
20 Haiti - Conseil National des Telecommunications (CONATEL)membershipURL
21 Indonesia - National Cyber and Crypto Agency(BSSN) membershipURL
- Information Security Incident Response Team on Internet Infrastructure / Coordination Center(ID-SIRTII/CC)
22 Iran, Islamic Republic of - Iran National CERT/CC (MAHER)
23 Kazakhstan - State Technical Service(STS)
24 Kenya - Information Communication Technology Authority (ICTA)membershipURL
25 Korea, Republic of - Ministry of Science and ICT(MSIT)
- Korea Internet & Security Agency KISA)membershipURL
26 Kosovo, Republic of - Ministry of Economic Development (MED)
27 Lao People's Democratic Republic - LaoCERT
- Ministry of Science and Technology (MST)
28 Malaysia - CyberSecurity Malaysia
- Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission(MCMC)
29 Mauritius - Computer Emergency Response Team of Mauritius (CERT-MU), National Computer Board
- Ministry of Technology, Communication and Innovation
30 Moldova, Republic of - Ministry of Information Technology and Communications (MITC)
31 Mongolia - Communications and Information Technology Authority(CITA)
32 Montenegro - Ministry for Information Society and Telecommunications (MIST)
33 Morocco - General Direction of Information System Security (DGSSI)
34 Nepal - National Investigation Department (NID)
- National Information Technology Center (NITC)
- Centre for Cyber Security Research and Innovation(CSRI)
35 Nicaragua - TELCOR
36 Nigeria - Federal Ministry of Information and Culture (FMIC)
37 Oman - Oman National CERT / Information Technology Authority
38 Paraguay - Comision Nacional de Telecomunicaciones de la Republica del Paraguay(CONATEL)
- Ministry of Information and Communication Technologies(MITIC)
39 Peru - Centro de Altos Estudios Nacionales (CAEN)
- Secretariat for Government and Digital Transformation(SGDT)
40 Philippines - Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT)
41 Romania - Romanian National Cyber Security Directorate(DNSC)
42 Rwanda - Rwanda National Police(RNP)
- Rwanda Development Board(RDB)
43 Senegal - Ministry of Post and Telecommunication (MPT)
44 Sierra Leone - Ministry of Information and Communication
45 Sri Lanka - Sri Lanka CERT|CC
46 Taiwan - National Institute of Cyber Security(NICS)
47 Tanzania, United Republic of - Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA)
- Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH)
48 Thailand - Electronics Government Agency (EGA)
- Electronic Transactions Development Agency (ETDA)
- National Cyber Security Agency(NCSA)
49 Turkey - Information and Communication Technologies Authority (ICTA)
50 Uganda - Uganda Institute of Information and Communications Technology(UIICT)
- National Information Technology Authority(NITA)
51 Uzbekistan - Information Security Center (ISC)
- Cabinet of Ministers
52 Vietnam - Vietnam Computer Emergency Response Teams(VNCERT)